Friday, September 15, 2006

The Obligitory First+ Description.

I know I'm a little late in the game on this, but since a lot of my free time is spent reading others' opinions on a variety of blogs, I've decided to throw my two cents in to the arena as well. This is a place for myself, and possibly others to air their views of current popular American culture with an emphasis on Politics, Film, Music and the Media. The political leanings will tend to lean left, although, I'm more interested in exposing my problems with the system. I feel that the far left is as bad as the far right, but at this juncture, I can't get behind any Republican, no matter how close to center. As for the other focuses: Film, Music, Media, etc., I have many strong opinions as well on the current atmosphere of our American "junk" culture. So, if your interested, check back. It may be a little slow going at first, and I will warn you, I'm not a trained writer, so I'm sure I'm in need of some editorial. Enjoy.

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